Careertrackers Gala Dinner, 2020

“Starting your career in STEM can truly take you anywhere, from Mars to the marine environment, the solar system is your play ground and it is up to you as to where you want to apply yourself and what problems you want to help the world solve.”

— Renee


As featured in

Press and Media

Renee regularly features in major press outlets including the Australian Financial Review, Women’s Agenda, Sydney Morning Herald, The Daily Telegraph and more.

  • Australian Space Discovery Centre

    Renee’s career in aviation began at the age of 15, when she joined the Air Force Cadets. “I had just moved to a new town and was looking to make new friends,” she says.

  • Women's Agenda

    Renee Wootton dreamed of becoming a pilot her entire life. When she achieved that milestone, her next pursuit turned quickly into becoming an astronaut.

  • Cyber Engineering

    Engineering Heroes Podcast

    Renee Wootton spoke to Engineering Heroes about how society is now facing cyber attacks on a daily basis and how it is of vital importance that cyber engineers are involved in the development and upgrade of computer systems.

  • Australian Government Department of Industry, Science, Energy and Resources

    Smashing gender stereotypes: meet the new Superstars of STEM

  • Asia Pacific Defence Reporter

    CAE’s Renee Wootton named Superstar of STEM

  • The Daily Telegraph

    High flying Renee breaks down barriers to help others succeed in engineering industry

Engineering Advocate becomes face of new STEM Campaign

Engineers Australia Article here.

NOV 2022.

Renee Wootton, a proud Tharawal woman and a young Indigenous leader, is one of the official ambassadors for the Federal Government’s ‘Future You’ campaign.  

The ‘Future You’ program aims to encourage children (between eight and 12 years old) to pursue careers in STEM.  

Renee is one of four ‘Pathfinders’ featuring in the campaign, which includes a short film about her journey. The campaign follows each of the four Pathfinders through a short film series to explore the world of work and the STEM careers of the future. 

Watch a more in-depth exploration of Renee’s story. Find out more about the Pathfinders film series. 


Video Media

Renee regularly features in Q&A Interviews, Behind the Scenes, Webinars, Promotional Material, Documentaries and Events to promote STEM and explore Renee’s personal and professional journey.


Country Universities Centre, St George, Queensland | Youth Summit, 2024

Engineers Australia | Year 13 Expo - Aircraft, Structural and Electronics Engineering, 2021

Engineers Australia | Power of Engineering, 2019

Future You | STEM Campaign, 2023

Department of Industry, Science, Energy and Resources | Superstars of STEM, 2020

Qantas Graduate Program | Meet Renee, 2018


The STEM Community Partnerships Program creates strong partnerships between local schools and industry, with the goal of highlighting local STEM careers and opportunities. The program provides Year 7 to 10 students with an opportunity to engage in STEM inquiry-based projects to address real-world STEM challenges.

All masterclasses aim to showcase STEM innovations and increase students' STEM interest and awareness. The fourth Masterclass in this series is Landing a STEM Career in Aerospace and Aviation with Renee Wootton.


Renee featured in the Documentary

In Their Tracks

In Their Tracks premiered as part of the CareerTrackers Gala Awards in January 2021.  The documentary film tells the story of four Indigenous professionals navigating a journey of excellence and paving the way for future generations.


— Produced by Seven Stories



“I just watched your video and had to get in touch - it was brilliant! You completely nailed what we wanted you to convey to the kids - it was inspiring and challenging and uplifting - and doable!

I cannot thank you enough.

You are definitely the stand out speaker for this year's Congress and I cant wait to have you work with them in 2022 face to face!”

— SA Aboriginal Congress of STEM

Thank you for your inspirational presentation at our recent Youth Summit.  Your powerful messaging about success being achieved through resilience and support resonated well with the audience.  They were clearly captivated.

 Your story will no doubt have a profound impact on many of the young people in attendance and we look forward to further nurturing the aspirations that you inspired.  Your life journey has encouraged our youth to dream big, think outside the box and consider new horizons.

 We consider our community very lucky to have had the opportunity to hear your story, as part of our work to increase educational opportunities and improved outcomes for students in rural, remote and regional communities. 

— Country Universities Centre Balonne

“Thank you so much for today’s panel session.

It was a fantastic discussion, with some really brilliant insights and advice for students.

Delighted with how it went. Thank you so much for all the time you have contributed to making this event a success.”


“I wanted to give you all an update on how brilliant your webinar performed!

The webinar was the 5th most watched of 90+ webinars in the expo, which is phenomenal! To give you some perspective, the 4 that outperformed ours were all Instagram influencers.

I just wanted to say again a huge thank you! What a great result! The event attracted 85,000 Gen Z’s, so it was a great opportunity to get engineering in front of students.”

— Engineers Australia